Being stuck in this room all day, I learned Iceland is very "green" and that the bathroom has a small flush button for pee and a large flush button for anything else. I think that's a great idea and all countries should have this feature to save on water. Also the shower has this showerhead that massages the skin. I sat in that shower for an hour today trying to break my fever. So much for saving water when I'm in Iceland. lol Anyway, this shower has the best water massage ever. It made my neck feel good. All I kept thinking was if I was a girl this shower head would be going home with me.
Also, I recommend looking up at the moon tonight and seeing the beautiful stars next to it. Not sure if it will look in your particular area like it does from here, but its a beautiful sight. I can see them from my hotel room. I wish Gareth was here with me to enjoy the view. It would be romantic, I guess that is until I threw up on him! I'm pretty sure he's happy in Ireland right now.
I think you'll find that the 2"stars" next to the Moon at present are Venus & Jupiter. Planets. Stars twinkle, planets don't. Your 'flu sounds ghastly. So pleased I found your blog (my grandmother was Kate O'Brien from Cork, so you could say we have a connection... :)
We those flush optons as mandatory here in Australia - great idea! We also have flow-reducing showers - crap idea!
I'm glad you are feeling better. Maybe tomorrow you can get out and enjoy Iceland.
Glad you're feeling better. Think of it this way: If resting all day made you feel better, it wasn't really wasted at all! Don't attempt too much too fast.
Crazy guy you need to take it easy if you are still not feeling good! I hope you are now 100% though. And you crack me up with the shower head thing..lol!
Yeah, we have to have the half-flush button here in Aus. Glad you're better :)
I'm feeling a bit better today. thanks for the nice comments. And Ing I know what I'm getting you for christmas! lol Hope you don't have to pay for your water!
You are a naughty boy even when your sick! I'll be looking for my present. LOL!
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