Shopping District
I love when communities decorate the streets for the holidays. Iceland is a beautiful place. I'm very impressed with what little I've seen so far. Plus they have good pizza and hamburgers here, so I'm not going to be stuck eating Nordic fish meals! lol The only problem is that I've caught a cold and I'm fighting off the flu. I'm coughing and sneezing and my body is burning up. Not a way I want to feel when I'm so far from home and have to meet with people in the morning. I drank some viking concoction that one of the staff here made me. It's left my chest feeling like its on fire, but I do feel kind of better and I'm not coughing as much. Hopefully with a good nights rest I'll feel better soon. Almost forgot, you can see the northern lights from here. Amazing. Simply amazing.
Poor baby! You sure do get sick a lot. Need to take better care of yourself. Is your mouth, back and knee still sore too? Feel better!
Glad you're enjoying yourself. I haven't been to Iceland but it sounds beautiful.
Ing, my other aches are gone. Just wish I didn't have this flu. two girls that came over yesterday were just getting over it and I think they gave it to me. the screen is blurry just typing this. going to bed.
Get better soon. I hope to see the northern lights before I croak.
I once saw the Aurora Borealis from a 707 when we were flying over Iceland on a Transatlantic flight. Stunningly beautiful. I love your blog - but feel awful for your not being well right now... in that state all I want is to be home, surrounded by own stuff. Get well soon. And please keep posting as and when you're able.
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