Despite the fact that he's leaving soon, we've had great fun this week. We've enjoyed quiet, romantic dinners at some nice restaurants around Dublin. Let me tell you doctors get some special treatment at restaurants. People that work at sea, not so much. We've even spent a couple days in the country just taking drives and holding hands and doing a lot of kissing....and a bit more! But you're not getting details about that. lol We even took a nice hike up a mountain and sat in each others arms and just enjoyed the view and being together and had a nice long talk about all kinds of things.
It's hard to not get a bit depressed during this time knowing he'll be gone in a few days. A few times he's picked up on my sadness and then I notice he starts to get a bit sad, so I try to block those feelings out of my head the best I can during the day and he's trying to do the same so we don't let it ruin the time we have left. They'll be plenty of time for missing him after he goes. For now, we just have to keep making memories to last us while we're apart.
You'll get through this. There are so many ways these days to stay in touch. The hardest part about loving another is to let him go off, when all you want him to do is stay with you.
Your relationship will get stronger. And you have an incredible support network here!
Hiya, Hope you OK mate...
hey bud! I've heard about a bus crash with a tram in dublin.
Are you Ok? Hope you're fine!
I'm Wishing more tahn good moments for you and gareth next days!
Runaway, we're fine. We stayed at home today. It was real bad though for those involved.
And thanks all for the nice thoughts. It's about 4 am here, couldn't sleep. Was lying there watching him sleep and til my cat saw I was awake and decide he wanted to play. So I decided to get up for a bit and come on here for a minute. Wishing you all a good night whever you are. Time to get back to bed. Won't get much sleep, but I just want to be near him while I can.
He's leaving that soon? Wow! Do you all know how long this trip will be yet? Tell him I said to have a safe trip! You guys are gonna be alright. It will fly by. Just imagine you will get to practice phone sex, web cam sex, and other virtual stuff! :)
My heart goes out to you, and my
prayers are with you both. May the
time you are apart speed by until
you're back together again. God love and keep you both...
Ing, current timeframe is May of next year. They really arn't too sure, lots of politics being involved slowing things down. Hopefully things will go better with them being in SA and they can start to get things started so they can finish sooner than expected. For now, I have no idea when I'll see him again.
Hi. I'm writing to you from Atlanta, GA, USA. I ran accross your post sometime last year and I love to follow whats going on with you. Just read your latest and had me tearing up. Hope the time speeds by so that you can hold each other again soon!
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