His cousin Seamus, who is straight, has taken a liken to me and we've become fast friends. He's a big, burly man in his early thirties with a deep voice that sounds like God talking to you when he stands behind you. The men of the family all put kilts on for a family photo earlier today and I have to say this family of men have really nice legs. When they all turned around and bent over and pulled their kilts up and mooned the camera, I couldn't tell if the whites of their asses or the flash of the camera were brighter!
We're at my place right now for a few while I feed my cats before we head out for the evening with several of their family members. Should be a fun night. Wishing everyone else a fun evening and wherever you are keep smiling.

That looks like a very fun place to eat! I love diners like that.
And I love the guy in the photo!
Is that the straight guy in the photo?
Mike, if you live in the states, find a Johnny Rockets. Its the same thing.
Borg. LOL, no!
can we see more of that HOT man please....
does he live here in dublin and if he does he does not eat in eddie rockets often if he did he would not have the body he has.......
So, you know I tend to like'em a little hairy and mussed up a bit, but this guy makes me wish I was a gay man :P
I'd give your left nut (offering yours since I don't have one to give..hehehe)to see the pics of Hamish's family mooning the camera! And tell me the guy smiling loves kitty cats instead of sausage..come on throw a girl a bone! :)
I will have to ask Hamish to see if he can get a copy of that for you.
And no you can't be giving my nuts away. I may not be using them now, but hopefully someday I will.
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