John Duddy - Irish Boxer

Fighting in Madison Square Garden this Saturday. One of the things I've wanted to do since coming to Ireland is work on my family tree and trace my roots. I've being working on my family tree shortly after moving here and found out recently John is a cousin of mine. I need to finish that family tree, but its hard to get past the 1860's with any information. Now that I have some free time with Gareth being gone, I'm going to get back into this project and see what I can find out and maybe meet some of my family living here now.
Still, would you do this cousin of yours? ahahaha!
That is one HOT cousin you have. Damn.
That's crazy! and very cool. Also, welcome back!
What a Cousin Bud! You have good Genes in your Family hahahahah!
Do you know any single cousin who want to come to Brazil?
just Kidding!
Borg, well he is a distant cousin. It's ok to hook up with a distant cousin right? Or is that only in West Virginia? Just kidding all my friends in WV. Don't send me hate mail. lol
Runaway, have a cousin in Australia and one in Erie, PA who are gay. But they are both taken, so won't help you much.
He does resemble your cousin and you a bit. If you meet him and he's straight and single, throw a girl a bone.
Good looks and fighting is in your family genes. My family genes traits are fat bodies and alcoholics.
Now that's something amazing you're doing! What kind of 'tools' are you using to trace your forefathers? That's something I've always loved to do as well since I was a lad, I just don't know where to get started. I just know my roots 'til my grandparents and that's all... damn.
Anyway I'm with everyone else here - hot cousin you got there =)
Enjoy your weekend mate. Hope you're doing fine since Gareth went away.
Hey, Anonymous, you say your genes traits are fat and alcohol... well love, guess what, it's not up to your genes =D
Mine traits fat bodies and alcoholics as well, I just need to fight back and have an active life-style (gym, walks, etc), balanced diet and around 3 lts of water a day - it does wonders for me! Hell no, I won't let my genes ruin me, ahah ;)
Joel, started using, which led me to other sites. I also subscribe to a geneaolgy magazine which offers good advice. Its amazing watching it all come together. But then I hit a spot where things get stuck and frustrates me. Just have to keep at it.
And Anon, I'm sure your family has a lot of good things to contribute to this world. Focuse on the good, not the bad.
Jen, throw you a bone. The things I could say about that. lol
Love your blog, just discovered it while trying to find inspiration in Ohio
The family tree research is a constant challenge, and you're wise to do it when you'll be less likely to be interrupted (as in alone in the house). I always found that whenever the hubbie is around, I get asked a question and then I'm not sure what I've checked and what still needs referencing.
And yes, you'll find some amazing people in the family ... some handsome relations you wouldn't mind meeting at all. :-) Keep at it.
hope you had a good weekend Steven is it? I love your play list, thank you! Brian
Man your cousin is hot! Love that second pic of him.
I second that Ing!
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