I can't believe they did this! How can they kill off the best gay couple on television? I loved watching this show because the two gay characters were strong and manly and I could relate to them. Not to mention they are both very handsome men.
I've lost a few people in my life and scenes like this always get to me. I was watching it with Gareth and when they get to the part where Ianto says "I love you" I had tears welling in my eyes. But when Ianto says "You'll forget about me" as he's dying in Jacks arms, I had tears just rolling down my face. I was trying not to cry because I didn't want my man to make fun of me, but he just put his arm around me and pulled me close to him and kissed me on the top of my head. I couldn't help but notice he had teary eyes himself even though he would never admit it.
Can't believe they did this either. I'm never watching the show again if they don't bring him back to life somehow.
I'm gobsmacked by it. How many characters is this show going to kill off?
Just saw the fourth episode. Like you I can't believe they killed him off like that. Their relationship was just getting good. Like Seth, I hope they find a way of bringing him back.
It's a good season so far except for that. Can't wait to see the last episode of the season.
I also love the video at the end of the post.
Gasp! Unthinkable! We haven't seen this yet in the US. How could they? Ianto and Captain Jack's interaction was my favorite part of the show. Sad.
They better think of some scifi way to bring him back to life. lol
This was one of the few gay relationships on tv I could relate too. The only one left now is Christian and Olli on that German soap Verbotene Liebe.
Noooo!!!! Why did they do it
Noooo!!!! Why did they do it
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