Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Keep Smiling

I'm on my way back to the ship this morning. It's about 4:30 am. I have to be there by 5 and my ride is a bit late. My boss is pretty laid back, but he doesn't like when you're late. Hopefully my ride will get here in time and we can make it there without getting our "swinging dicks in trouble" as he says to many who have pissed him off.

I slept most of the day Sunday and spent Monday cleaning and doing laundry. I went out last night for a few hours and had a nice grilled chicken salad and then went to a couple pubs and listened to some locals singing and drank a couple glasses of rum. I've been on a rum kick lately and have been finding different ways to drink it from pina coladas to straight over the rocks. If anyone has any good rum drink recipes, please send them to me.

I actually got a bit drunk last night and met two flirty Canadian ladies who followed me to a few pubs. The one lady was very touchy, feely and I had to keep grabbing her hand and holding it for a few moments to get her to stop. But they were good fun and we had lots of laughs and I hope they have a good time during the rest of their visit to Dublin.

My ride just called and said he'll be here in two minutes, so I have to go. The sea and a probably angry boss await. During the week when your sitting on your couch watching telly in your nice dry, comfortable house, think of me out there being wet and cold. And if you smile at that thought, you're really mean! lol Keep smiling.


American Irish said...

P.S. - I didn't have time to change the music, so I hope you like it. I thought it would be something different for awhile.

Crap Newsman said...

Your hair is dark. I though you're fair-haired?

Anonymous said...

You like chicken don't you? And here I was thinking that you weren't into birds... hmmmm. Lols.

Joey said...

Look up the song "Second Chance" by Shinedown sometime. It strikes me as a song that might make your blog (or a good punching bag song).

arachne said...

I love it - a sailor who drinks rum. Let's hope you don't continue to fulfil the stereotype by running into some pirates!

P. Florindo said...

What a pretty smile! =)

Deep Dish said...

I certainly wasn't expecting to hear Engelbert Humperdinck on your page--but I like it!

Rex Riggle said...

No It did not make me smile, it mad me sad to think of you all wet and cold and alone, untill i looked at your pic again which is what did make me smile, thinking how good it would feel to snuggle up to you in a warm dry bed and hold you tight to warm you.....

Ing said...

It made me laugh..hehehe! :)

American Irish said...

Joey, thanks I like that song.
Deep- glad you liked it. I had a few emails saying people liked it.
Damo, I ate more chicken yesterday. I do eat it alot.
Borg, you are correct. That is my spanish friend who I knew I was going to see this week and who will apparently have to get a restraining order for Rex.
And Ing, is just mean. lol