Saturday, March 7, 2009

Reason 9,465 Why I'm Gay

Everyone, you have Ing to thank for this image. She shared it with me and I thought, why should I suffer alone, so I'm sharing it with everyone here. LOL


Anonymous said...

Wow, I won't mind a diddy ride off her now.

Do I need to speak to someone?

Anonymous said...


That is just WRONG! I spewed all over my laptop.

Someone call Nip/Tuck and get her a breast reduction STAT !!

Anonymous said...

Good God! Is there something wrong with them or are they supposed to look like that?

Anonymous said...

Don't know who Ing is, but hating her. I feel sick.

Anonymous said...

ick....Ing that's foul! he he

Anonymous said...

luv the cats reaction, that is about how I reacted.

WranglerMan said...

Sweet Mother of God!! I may never again come to this site!! Oh, the humanity!!! My eyes are forever seared with this image! How could you?I?! I'll take away your gay card!

American Irish said...

Ing, you have a fan club. lol

Anonymous said...

oh my O_O
is that a tumor in the last stage or what?
oh, grose!!
the lolcat looks amazing tho xD

Ing said...

I think I threw up in my mouth again! JEESUS! OMG..hehehe I can't believe you posted this! Everyone it's not my fault I didn't tell him to post this! LOL!

Anon don't hate me if I find a nice penis shot will you like me?? And Damo you are crazy a diddy ride on those really? LOL! And just shut up AI! :)

Unknown said...


American Irish said...

Hey Mole, I knew you would like this one.

Anonymous said...

Please let that be Photoshop.

I'm going back to look at Jamie.

Anonymous said...

ohhhh my god! That is vile!!!!

Anonymous said...

I hadn't noticed before in my searches!
I’ve been looking around on the web trying to get some ideas on how to get my personal website coded, your overall layout and style are excellent. Did you actually code it yourself or did you hire a programmer to do it on your behalf?