Wayne Rooney - Manchester United
Today, two of my favorite football/soccer players are going head-to-head when Chelsea takes on Manchester United. They are the two best teams in the league and their rosters our loaded with star players including John O'Shea below.

I have a couple friends over to watch the game, a mixture of Irish, Scots, and Welsh lads and ladies and each team has their supporters here, so its quite loud right now. We're making blueberry pancakes, ham slices, scrambled eggs with onions and green peppers, and homemade bread. I'm a bit knackered from last night, so I am ready to get some food in my stomach.
Have to get back to the game, my cat is saving my seat on the side of the couch right now. He's not doing it because he's loyal, he's only waiting for me to come back because he knows I'm about to have some ham to share with him. Gonna get some food and get back to the game. Hope you're all enjoying your Sunday and since today is Remembrance Day, take a moment to remember those who sacrificed all so we could enjoy days like today. They may be gone, but they'll never be forgotten.
Mr. Terry's Mr. Johnson certainly likes to poke through the fabric of his shorts!!
Wayne Rooney is a great player but John Terry fills his shorts so well...he is obviously pleased with beating Manchester United....
That's a nice game! Go Manchester!
John Terry won the game with his kick too.
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