Autumn Evening
After a late night out, having lost my voice at the game and drinking way more than I should have last night, I've spent the day sleeping and watching television. Havn't heard from Gareth in a couple of days and got to missing him. So I took too playing the message he left on my phone a few days ago. I played it a few times, just to hear his voice when I suddenly realized how sad and pathetic that was. So I tried to do some things around the house, but grew bored. I decided to go out and do some shopping and get a haircut. Thought about having a workout, but I've had a cough since I got over the flu and decided to skip the workout and take a nice drive instead. Now I'm back home, getting ready to settle down for the night. Getting hungry, so I'm going to go raid the fridge and see what I have for a snack.
hang in there buddy...
I was wondering about Gareth... and the both of you... waited for you to bring it up... at least, as long as there is life, there is hope... so they say...
have to find yourself in all that... and your voice that you left at the stadium ;)
In those times, I learned the best to do is indulge yourself...
and laugh...
see you on wednesday with the return match in Paris :)
and congrats for the boxing victory :) I hear Affif is a great boxer...
Me again...
There is nothing sad or pathetic about missing your man and thinking about him...
unless he doesnt...
Be strong :)
Stephen you are not pathetic one little bit it just shows how much you miss him...
Did you think ireland did well to draw with France even without gordon darcy...what great trys from tommy bowe and drico....pity keith earls did not play the full match he runs as fast as a cheetah...
o pookie :-(
"when I suddenly realized how sad and pathetic that was"
- It's the same as reading all the text messages you were sent by him, falling asleep reading old letters, smelling the perfume on those letter that is the one he uses, watching videos recorded together, pictures taken (and the list goes on). It's totally natural. He is the man you chose to spend the rest of your days. A part of you is far away, that can't be denied. But you'll get through all that with a big smile on your face and you'll be together before you can even imagine.
Good luck!
Have a good week.
Veve, thanks for the comments. Gareth is doing good or so he says. He is going to send me a few pictures soon of what he has been up too. If there is any I can post I will. He was going to be in a remote area again for a few days, hence no contact with him. But I should hear from him soon. See you for the rematch on Wednesday.
Anon, I thought the Irish played very well, but had the luck of the Irish wasn't with them that night when the own goal was scored. But there's still hope, although just a wee one.
And Stephen and Pedders, hugs to you both and hope you have a great week. Have to get a shower now and head into work.
You're such a sweetie. Hope Gareth is being safe.
It's not pathetic to miss someone. If you need to hear his voice, you need to hear his voice. Raiding the fridge always makes me feel better and I would highly recommend any time you're feeling down!
As Veve said, there is nothing pathetic about playing Gareth's message over again!
sorry about those Irish against the Frenchmen!
Take care of yourself!!
Cool story. Just like my everyday routine.
I'm sure it's no real consolation, but think how many people are sending you loving vibes? The real pain of missing someone can be crushing...but he is alive and just loving you from afar...Try not to wish this part of your life away,the part away from Gareth-do things you wouldn't normally do with him and savor those experiences, and share when you guys are together again(SOON!) Take care, B
anyone for a Group Hug with American Irish in the middle ?
Veve, we had a lot of group hugs here after that game. Good luck to your team.
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