I've missed being out on the ocean and I've been struggling in my head when deciding to go back to it or do something else more safe. But this morning as soon as I saw the ocean and the smell and watched some ships go by I could feel it in my bones that I ached to get back out to sea. You want to go back out there Gareth asked me and I replied I did.
So I called my boss when I got home and told him I didn't want a desk job in the office, I wanted my old job back on the ship and he assured me it was still there waiting for me to come back. The new season doesn't start for a few more weeks, so I still have time to finish healing and get back to full strength.
Good to hear your getting back on your feet. Although if you were my boyfriend I'd keep you off your feet for some very fun reasons.
Nice tight ass!!!
Glad to hear you're feeling better! Life's a lot more fun if you do something you love and are passionate about. Good Luck in your future at sea and with Gareth (yet another passion I take it). I wish a happy, prosperous and HEALTHY new year for both of you. Stay well...
Happy New Year my friend.
Happy New Year to you both, and like many of your followers, your return to the sea is great news, although we will miss the updates as you flit around the oceans. great news on your recovery.
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