We're having a good time with friends and as you can see by the previous posts, everyone is having fun adding photos to the blog for your amusement. My cat just let out a big scream like a mini tiger roar. Guess he is telling me to get off the computer and get him some food. Hope everyone else is having a great day and to all my American friends, enjoy the fireworks tonight. I have to go feed the beast now.
The food is looking good. Have fun today and enjoy!
happy 4th to you David. My cat is loving life now that he had some hamburger. The beast has been satisfied! lol Now I have to go take care of my man beast Gareth and get something to eat myself.
I love the way you sliced those sausages. Looks like, um, nevermind...
Borg, they're done Irish style. lol
I thought Irish style was uncut?
Gotta love a good braai
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