Hunk Of The Day
This is my friend Rachel's husband, may she rest in peace. Well, she's not dead yet, but will probably be after he sees his picture on my blog. You see they have a competition to find sexy men and woman to use as backgrounds on their computer. Of course me being the ass I am and Rachel being easily corrupted, have decided to add him to the blog. Now he can be downloaded as a background. Feel free to leave comments describing his sexiness so he can be embarrassed more than he ever thought he could be.
not bad ...
I wonder what he looks like without all those clothes on.
omfg! This is the hunkiest hunk I've ever seen!!!! Soooo sexy, I think I'm in luurrrrve!
(So much embarrassment for him but luckily it has not yet proven fatal for me:)
So cute!
I'm gonna download this picture 'cause it would make him embarassed, and shy men are really cute!
PS: If I did the same with a friend of mine, he problably would kill me.
Do we get a shirtless photo?
I bet he'll be adorable with a red face! You're a lucky woman.
He is my new background!
LOL, lovin it!
Very mischievous smile on that baby face of his. He looks like he needs a good! If your friend needs a paddle let her know I've got one she can have! hehehe!
Oh..and you guys should enter him in a male eye calendar contest I know of. {{evil laughter--mrahhhhh}}
Oh fantastic!!! Well done! I haven't seen my hunky hubby's face flush that red in a long time! All it took was reading out the comments. Alas, I have been forbidden to share shirtless photos...too shy! I do believe it actually would prove fatal for me to go against that request. :)
Yes I think it would become fatal for you and probably for me too. lol
I was going to say something, but life is so flukey that I might actually run into that guy someday and get a black eye.
Wow, he looks just like my ex-boyfriend. I wonder if he has the same skill set Hmm? Nah I can tell he is straight just from lookin but still he is a balm to the eyes
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