While I had one beer during the night and was the designated driver, Gareth proceeded to drink alot and this morning is nursing one big hangover. I'm sitting next to him in the bed as I type this post and he has proceeded to pull the pillow over his head and growl at me that my typing sounds like a jackhammer.
We're both scheduled off work today and Gareth is now in the process of telling me that any normal person would still be sleeping on their day off. My reply to him of when was I ever normal brought a quick lift of his head from under the pillow with a stern look on his face that told me that I better stop teasing him and let him sleep. So its off to the couch for me. Be back soon.
He's handsome. Enjoy the day!
Happy St. Patricks Day
Happy St. Patricks Day boys.
Poor Gareth. You be nice to him if he isn't feeling well.
lol, he's doing good. We just got back from the parade. Having a great time, thanks all. Happy St. Patricks Day to all of you.
Happy St. Paddy's day well night now! I had a green beer just for you. Are you one of those disgustingly perky morning people?
lol, no I'm actually very quiet most of the time. I just like to annoy Gareth sometimes. He doesn't get drunk often, so when he does I like to have fun with it.
Gareth is a good looking lad. I need to find me a man like him. You're a lucky boy.
Hello Boy !
Thank you very much, thank you....
These posts are very pleasant and I imagine the scene with you and poor Gareth !
Have a very nice day and much love...
Laurent, from France, reading you every day.
gareth and you make a nice couple. Its been fun reading about your lives. Keep posting, I'll keep reading.
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