My Wedding Kilt

I finally decided on what outfit to wear for my wedding day. I chose the one on the bottom. Now I just have to decide if I want the white or black socks and wait for gay marriage to become legalized, which they promise will happen this year.
That's a great-looking outfit!
Go for the top one! He looks sexier in the more traditional outfit! More Lord of All That He Surveys. But I imagine if you give us a twirl, we'll be treated to a view of the family jewels! Ha! Ha!
I also prefer the bottom photo and think you should stick with the black socks....very nice!
How exciting!!!
Good choice with the second one, its a little more modern on the top and mixes nice with the kilt I think.
I would defo go with the white socks though. They stand out nicely. The black socks seem to umm - regular.
Well let me know if you need anymore wedding planning advice. LOL
BTW - I thought the gov't had scrapped its plans for marriage and was settling for civil partnerships. At least its a step in the right direction I suppose either way. I just hope the debate doesn't end if partnerships go through and marriage is still the ultimate goal. (pink news UK 01/27/2009)
Its awesome you are going to be able to celebrate your relationship to each other and be acknowledged by the law at the same time!!
sexy :)
Very handsome. I like the bottom one. I would definitely go with the white socks. The black socks just don't look right.
I vote for white. It's more dynamic--much like you!
Black socks definitely. Looks more formal especially if it's an evening ceremony.
Start a poll ;-)
Interesting, you guys are all divided on the socks too. lol
PECL, they may call it civil partnership, I don't care what name the church wants to call it, I call it marriage. He is the love of my life, my man, my husband. That's all I need to know.
Why have you choose a Kilt?..I thought it was just a typical scottish outfit..
Wow. But I think that white socks are definitely better.
Well said amerish. I call it marriage too. I just hope they include ALL of the same rights and privileges. Gladly the church is slowly loosing influence in the republic.
Wishing you and your husband the best and I'm jealous.
ohh and btw, which does your man think is nicer, the black or the white?
I like the look of the first pic better. Reminds me of the heroes in my romance novel. You'll be a hottie and either. I really hope this does happen for you both soon.
Go with the white socks, they set off the legs better.
Second choice with white socks. Sexiest look.
Nuoto, kilts belong to all Celtic people. My tartan will be the American Irish style.
Gareth likes the white socks with the second top. So I guess that is what I will go with.
Ing, you and your romance novels, your such a girl. lol
i would definitely go for the first one... there's more white which is a great counterpoint to the black and green.
The second one has too much black and i'm not sure it would look 'right' with white socks.
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