It was good to get home yesterday. The smell of my house, the greetings of my cats and flat mate, eating food out of my own fridge and taking a shower in my own shower. It was great to be home.
I went over to my mans place last night and waited for him to get home from work. I was planning this passionate greeting at the door. Life happens though, and he didn't get home from the hospital until 4:00 am. One of his patients had emergency surgery and I fell asleep on the couch waiting for him to come home.
My heart actually started racing a bit when I saw him walk in the door as I woke up to the noise. I missed him so much this week and it was a relief almost to finally see him. When he saw me lying on his couch, he smiled a big smile and first thing he said was "I love you fella". He took his shoes off and crawled on the couch next to me, our legs intermingling as we kissed and he wrapped his big arm around me.
I took his tie off and unbuttoned his shirt. As we said a few things to each other, he kissed me again and said "Do you want to?" I said "Sure, do you want to?" He whispered, "Yeah." He kissed me, then put his head on my chest. I wrapped my arm around him and he fell asleep. I pulled the blanket off the back of the couch and covered us up.
It didn't turn out to be the passionate greeting I had planned, but having him in my arms again was all I needed to fall asleep happy and content. It was good to be home.
Of course tonight, he has some dancing to do and I have some money to spend! lol
very sweet!
Ya'll are so lucky to have each other.
I never leave comments, but hav'ta say luv this blog!
You two are truly each others soul mate. I miss having you around, but reading things like this makes me realize why you're where you are. You two were meant to be.
It's these small moments in life that make it worth living. And it's posts like these that keep me coming back.
Damn you for making me teary eyed before I go out! Now I have the raccoon look! Shit! LOL!
You guys are just so digustingly perfect! :)
Hope you had fun out on the town. I love the new pic, so sexy!
Thanks Mill, glad you like the blog and I love that you post and we can get to know each other.
Also thanks to the others who left messages and yes david I am lucky.
i keep trying to find a blog that compares to this one, and there just isn't one. this is what makes me love this blog
That's cool Josh, thanks for the nice comment.
Such a sweet post.
Fantastic post, fantastic blog. Men must be falling in love with you all over the world.
It is thanks to John Barrowman that I just discovered your blog, frankly it's great, I discovered good music that I quickly bought on iTunes and I read your articles, it's great! Even if my English is not perfect yet.
I thank you for allowing me to discover these little pleasures.
Tre fantastic
i envy u!
Sounds wonderful...I wish I could find a man who made me feel that way! Well Have a good one...your story made me smile!
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