My roommate is at work right now, so I am just puttering around the house. I just had a shower and shaved. I heated up and ate a BBQ beef sandwich my roommate made for me before going to work and that was really good. Now I am drinking lots of water because I really sweated during the workout and my body is craving fluids. Hopefully I won't wake up in the middle of the night needing to piss about twenty times, that will suck. I can really use a good nights sleep.
I could really eat some ice cream right now, but we don't have any in the fridge. The only thing to snack on is peaches and I am not in the mood for them right now. We really need to keep some kind of junk food in our kitchen.
I have some movies that came in the mail, I guess I will see if I can raid something in the kitchen to snack on and watch them. I don't even know what movies I rented, hopefuly something good. I need to get lost in a good movie tonight.
I'm calling you so don't start that movie just yet. And if you keep working out like you are, you'll soon have abs like your cousin.
LOL, I will never have abs like him. But mine arn't bad considering I was a couch potato a year and a half ago. I'll wait by the phone...
You got me into doing stretches now in the mornings. I've kept that going after visiting you. Soon I'll be flexible like you, although I'm not gay and I don't need to really be flexible. But I'm sure your boyfriend enjoys it!
You're an idiot. I'm still waiting by the phone. Call me already.
You are doing so much better this time. I hope you manage to keep your spirits up and stay the happy you that I love.
Thanks Kel-girl. I'm good. I can deal with it, as long as he comes home safe and I know he will.
Sie haben eine schöne Seele
Love you honey. Now that your hand is healed, you going back to the ship? If so I will have to worry about both of you now. You gay people stress me out.
Hello. Just stumbled upon your site, and have enjoyed getting caught up. I'm a gay Irish American as well, living in the states. I've been reading for several weeks now. It's been very interesting hearing about modern gay life in the homeland. All the best of luck to you and your partner!
You didn't post anything today, so I'm hoping you are resting and that you feel better today.
Thanks Amos for posting and taking the time to read the blog.
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