As the sign states below on this day, everyone is a little bit Irish. I hope everyone gets to enjoy a little bit of Irish spirits today. The kind that come in a bottle and the other kind that comes from sharing good time, laughter, and life with those we love and the friends who enrich our lives.

Michael Catley...get
Happy St. Patricks Day to you guys. I'll drink one for you tomorrow.
Keep Mike out of trouble while he is visiting. I know how you boys can be! Love you. Happy St. Patricks Day.
We're doing lunch tomorrow at the pub in New Cumberland. We'll call you while we're there and we can all have a drink together over the phone.
Happy St. Patricks Day. Be safe. Love you.
Happy St Patrick's Day! Beautiful Blog, I was looking for Irishmen today (duh) glad I stopped and took a gander! Take care!
Happy St. Patrick's Day to you and Mike.
Happy Saint Pat day Cousin. Wish I was in Dublin.
What up fools, happy wearing of the green today. We went to the local Irish pub and the place was packed. They raised the prices today too. I paid $5 a Guiness. Did Mike hook up with any Irish girls yet?
jour heureux de patricks de rue!
I could barely hear you on the phone today, it was so loud. Sounds like you guys are having a blast. Wish I was there.
Have a Happy St. Patrick day.
glücklicher Str. patricks.
I hope everyone had a great day and that you wore something green. Dublin was packed with people, it was the most people I have ever seen in this city at one time. It was like Mardi Gras in the States. The parade was nice, the pubs crowded, the people wild, and my man and I talked things over and made up. Tonight, makeup sex!!!!
So why am I typing, see you later. Enjoy the day and be safe my friends. Time to go collect what my man owes me.
Dewayne, welcome to the blog.
David, Happy St. Patricks Day. Hope you are having a good one.
Kelly, I couldn't hear much of what you said it was so loud. I'll call you soon.
Your cat is so cute.
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