With the new job on the ship and having taken up martial arts again, I have dropped some weight in the last month. On the ship this week, the pants that I had taken along seemed to hang loose on my body. Even my belt, which was in its last notch, could not keep them held up properly. Everyone that stood behind me on the ship knew what color underwear I had on. Fortunately one of the ladies had a needle and thread and did a little hemming for me to tuck them in.
After arriving back to Dublin today I went to work out before coming home. I had a pair of silver and black silk shorts that I packed and took along with me that I like to wear sometimes when working out. Even they kept falling off my hips as I was doing my kicks on the bag. After showering at the gym, I decided to do some clothes shopping before going home.
At the mens clothing store, I tried on some jeans. I am now in between a size 30-32. So I dropped a size in pants. Which is fine, I knew I had lost some wieght from the exercise I was getting. But what I didn't expect was that the length of my pants has shrunk from that of a size 30 to a size 29 length. That means I'm not only losing weight, I'm shrinking! I'm not supposed to shrink until I am sixty! I have been 5'11 for years. I want to stay 5'11! My man is 6'3, if I get any shorter he won't even see me!!
The one clerk that was helping me pick out some pants made a comment, "You look good in those jeans for a man your size?" I didn't think about it until later, but now I wonder what he meant by a man my size, what does that mean? Was he calling me short?
He probably wasn't checking out your height...or increasing lack thereof...if ya know what I mean. Flashlights and all that. ;)
BTW - I'm 6'2". If you get too short, send him on over.
What up short shit. Glad to see you are back home and online. I was just outside, its cold, but a clear night. I can see lots of stars in the sky. Its a quiet night, it made me feel kind of depressed and lonely tonight. I would have called you but I know when your man got home you had to release a weeks pent up frustration of sex. lol
I saw a recent picture of you shirtless and you looked great. Keep up the exercising so you don't get your couch potato body back.
Flashlights! Took me a moment to think about what that meant. I almost forgot about that.
6'2....just my size! You know I love the big men.
Mike I will call you when you wake up. You are probably sleeping right now. Sorry you feel sad tonight. Wish I had seen that earlier, I would have called you and helped cheer you up. Love you.
And where did you see a picture of me shirtless? Who has it and what are they doing with it for you to see it?
....and stop calling me short shit!
Glad you're back. Just found you a few weeks ago and thought I'd lost you when you weren't posting. Then remembered you were probably to sea. I'm reading you faithfully. You're a poet.
Thanks Gerry for the nice comment. Happy Valentines Day.
Its snowed and iced here last night. I didn't go to work today but I think I did more work around the house than if I had gone in to work.
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