One of my New Year resolutions was to learn a new martial art. In one of the sessions yesterday I think I broke or fractured my hand. It hurt like hell yesterday, but I have a high tolerance for pain so I put some ice on it and figured with rest it would heal. My man was working yesterday and I didn't see him. This morning he comes over to have breakfast with me and him being a doctor freaks out when he sees the hand. I can't even move my hand today. It is swollen and sore to the touch. My whole body feels sore and achy. Fortunately I have one of those voice typing programs. So I can just speak to my computer and it is typing for me. We're off for some X-rays for my hand n a stern lecture for me. I down know which will be worse, the pain in me hand from yesterday or the pain in me ear from him scolding me for not taken care of this yesterday.
Hey, I am online and just read this post. Call me when you get out of the hospital so I know how you are!
P.S - You guys must confuse the hell out of that voice program with your accents!
update...just got back from the hospital and my hand is not broke, but it is sprained and bruised. I just have to let it heal before doing any more martial arts. Hopefully its better before I go back to work on wednesday.
Be careful baby.
You're a mess! But I love ya.
That reminds me of playing bloody knuckles in high school.
You eally need to fix the spelling on this. Don't use that voice typer in the future.
I like the voice typer, its cute. As I read it I can just imagine your voice speaking the words. mark is jealous cuz you have a cute accent now. hehe
There I fixed the typing issues.
Glad the hand is not broken. Hope it gets better soon.
thanks David, its feeling much better. I just got home from being on the ocean and I don't know if it was the salt air, the cold air, or just being fresh air, but it healed up nicely. Which is good because later today I have another martial arts class to attend.
Looks nasty
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