Thursday, November 1, 2007

The Holidays

Last night was Halloween. We went to a friends house to celebrate the night with some friends. It wasn't a costume party so I didn't have to dress up, but on the way to the party I saw people in costume walking their dogs, driving their cars, working in shops. Several people even dressed their own dogs up. I would have tried this with my cats but they would have 1. bit the crap out of me, 2. scratch the crap out of me, and 3. sue me for unlimited amounts of catnip.
I can't believe in a few weeks we will be putting up a Christmas tree. This year is going too fast. Yesterday we stopped at a shop and even though it was Halloween, the store was already decorated with Christmas trees and selling all kinds of Christmas stuff. I thought they were rushing the season until I was awakened today by my man cooking breakfast, playing Christmas songs on the stereo. I sleepily walked out to the kitchen, stared at him and was about to complain about him rushing the season when I noticed he was wearing just his boxer shorts and an apron and he looked really sexy.
Just then the song I'll Be Home For Christmas came on the stereo and he started singing it. He turned, saw me and smiled. He walked, no he glided, like Fred Astaire over to me still singing and kissed me and said "I am excited, this will be our first Christmas together."
So the part of me that was still in Halloween mode and feeling like the Grinch, had his icy heart melted at those words and all the little who's down in whoville started to sing. And at that moment, that very moment I did what any other man in my situation would have done. I went back to bed and pulled the covers over my head and wondered what happened to Thanksgiving.

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