Sunday, November 4, 2007

Rock Climbing

The Christmas music that was playing the other day made me realize the holidays are upon us. Since this was his first week back from Africa, we spent the week together getting to know each other again. We did stop by a Halloween party mid-week and had some laughs with friends. By the end of the week we started to get a little restless of being at home and we decided to go rock climbing.
For those who know me, you know I have been rock climbing for years and have a real passion for it. Whereas my mans experience at rock climbing was a few times several years ago. Needless to say I was a little worried about his inexperience, so I asked around and found a place that was not too difficult to climb.
On the way there I spent over an hour going over things with him, explaining things, going over things, being quite the expert and he was a dutiful student listening to everything I said. When we got there I strapped him in his gear, went over the route we would take, told him not to get nervous and focus on where he was putting his hands and feet. I felt quite sure he had listened to everything I said and everything would be OK and we would have a good time.
By now you are probably realizing something happened or I wouldn't be writing all this. Guess what, you are correct in thinking that. We started climbing, everything was going good until when climbing over a little crevice to get to the other side, my foot slipped, bent on a rock and I sprained my ankle. That's right, all that time spent worrying about him and I am the one that ends up hurt. Ironic isn't it. Or should I say, par for the course. Not only did he have to practically carry me back to the car, he had to help get the two back packs back and the gear.
We stopped at a nearby town where he got some ice and bandages for my ankle. He took me boot off and examined my ankle that was now swollen and purple. Fortunately it was not broken, but I had to ride home with him looking at me with a smug smile on his face the whole way home. I asked if he was enjoying this irony and while he protested that no he wasn't enjoying it, his evil laugh betrayed him.

But I will have the last laugh because now I have to stay off my feet for a few days, which means he will have to do the cooking, the cleaning, and shopping for groceries. I actually hear him coming in the door right now from cutting some firewood. Hope he's not too tired from all that wood cutting, since it is time for me sponge bath.

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  1. Sorry you hurt your leg. At least you have a trained medical person to help you get better. Apparently not only does he make house calls, he does sponge baths. I need to find me a doctor like that.

  2. You're such a clutz!

  3. Havn't heard from you for a few days, what happened your man beat your ass to a pulp?
