Sunday, October 28, 2007

Welcome Home Kiss

My man came home today. He is sleeping right now so I thought I would post something tonight. Tonight is daylight savings time in Ireland. So I decided to get up and turn the clocks back and make some hot chocolate.

It was only a little over three months that he was in Africa, but that is a long time when you love someone you're not able to see them, hold them, and share life with them. Plus I worried a lot about him because the part of Africa he was in is not a stable place and life doesn't seem to matter much to those who have the power to take it.

He looks good, he has lost weight, about 25 pounds. I will need cook him his favorite foods all week and try to get some meat back on his bones. He is really tan too. A tan looks really good on him, but he will loose it quickly here in cloudy, rainy Dublin.

I was lying there next to him just watching him sleep, watching him breath. So many times when he was gone I would dream or think of him and reach out to his side of the bed to cold sheets. But tonight I was able to reach over and touch him and it wasn't a dream.

I asked him about his time in Africa and he said he didn't want to talk about it today. He said in due time he will tell me, he just wants to get back to being here. He did mention he saw things that broke his heart many times, so I will not push him to discuss. I will let him tell me when he is ready.

Its cold outside, but the heat from the fireplace has this place nice and warm. I was sitting on the couch just a few minutes ago thinking about things. While he was gone, this place seemed dreary and empty and cold. Tonight he is resting in his bed, there is a nice orange glow to the room from the fire, and my cats are resting on the rug in front of the fireplace and I sat here thinking how this place is now once again a home. I'm going to put another log on the fire, finish drinking my cup of hot chocolate and then get back to bed. I'm not tired so I think I will just lay there for awhile and watch him sleep.


  1. You are such a domestic god. It's beautiful. I love it. Give him an extra hug from me and tell him not to leave you again.

  2. I'm glad to see that he's home. Mine only goes for a couple of days at a time, but it's always nice to see him again and have him back here safe and sound.

  3. Enjoy your week getting to know each other again before you have to get back to the real world. Love ya.

  4. This site would be so much more fun if you two were lesbians and you posted videos of hot babes going at it. But seriously, congrats and glad to hear he is back safe and sound.

  5. You're such a romantic lunatic. Hope he can put the terrible things he saw behind him and get back to his normal life. Is he going back to the hosptial to work or did he quit that job when he left? You're my babes! Love you both.

  6. A little birdy told me you two are coming to the states for Thanksgiving? Is this birdy correct? Another birdy told me so is your cousin?
