Monday, May 28, 2007

Memorial Day in France

Early this morning we traveled from London to meet up with my cousin and some of his friends in France. We toured the Somme Cemetery and Memorial. The Somme was a battle from the Great War in which there were over a million casualties. It was the single greatest loss of British life at the time and many do not realize this, but there were thousands of Americans assigned to British regiments who also perished in this battle. Also, the Ulster Brigades of Ireland played a big role in this battle.

Touring this cemetery and the area was a somber, sad experience. Its really hard to comprehend how many men gave their lives when you stand and look over the fields of crosses that stretch as far as the eye can see. I grew up around Gettysburg, PA and I am very familiar with battlefields and cemetery's for soldiers. But every time I visit a memorial cemetery, I can't help but wonder who was lost in the battle, what could that person have done to change the world if he had lived?

We then traveled to Paris to have a cookout at my cousins place he shares with a friend in Paris. We enjoyed a lunch of hot dogs, burgers, steaks served with Champ which is an Irish dish of potato's with scallion onions mashed in, Yorkshire Pudding, and some French Pommes Au Four, which is a dessert of apples baked in an oven, and two chocolates cakes, one made the American way, one made the French way. Plus lots of local french berries and some French wine and Jello shooters. We also had some good old American cherry Kool-Aid. No picnic is complete without Kool-Aid.

Now we are all headed out to explore France. My cousin and his friend are taking my girl friends from the states out shopping. I love them all, but I don't want to spend my time in France shopping at woman's clothing stores. Me and my guy are going to head off and see some of the sites of Paris. I do love Paris from what I have seen so far, so I can't wait to see more of it. Speaking of that, from the sound of things in the other room, it appears everyone is ready to head out. Have a good Memorial Day to those back home and to my friends in Dublin, I will be back Wednesday. See you soon.


  1. We had a nice little picnic here today. It was really hot today, almost 95 degrees.

  2. I ate too much, sounds like ya'll did too.

  3. They shall never be forgotten.

  4. What a nice tribute, thank you for posting this.
