Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Some views of Paris

This is the second time I have been to Paris and I loved it both times. Its nothing like the bad stories you hear all the time. The people remind me a lot of Americans. They react a lot like Americans in that they seem aloof at first, but once they understand what you are about, they warm up quickly to you. Yes, there are some in stores who are very snobbish, but I have seen that attitude in many places, not just in Paris.
View from Eiffel Tower
We are now back in Dublin, Ireland. Its good to be home again. Its funny to me that I now think of Dublin as my home. For a good while I was not sure what I thought of the place and now I am finding myself happy to be back in Dublin.

View at Night from Eiffel Tower
My friends leave to go back to the States tomorrow. We have had a great time. It will be quiet around here without them. Back to a normal life again, no travel plans for awhile. Although I still have lots to discover about my area here.

Moulin Rouge club
I had bought plants for my apartment, but most have died. I do not have a green thumb. So my guy is going to take me out this weekend to get new plants and he is going to help me repot them and hopefully they will do better with his care, than on mine alone.

I want to thank my cousin and his friends for the hospitality they showed me and my friends this weekend. We all had a great time and the girls wished for me to say thank you once again. Let me also add they all have the hots for my cousin and I once again and kicked to the curb. Sigh, such is me life.


  1. When the guys come visit, we need to make plans to go to Spain.

  2. I just talked to the girls and they were telling me about the trip. Wish I was there!

  3. can't wait to see all the pics.

  4. I am ready to come visit with the boys. Its gonna be off the hook.

  5. svp visite encore
