Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas

This holiday season has been a very busy time for me. With Gareth in South Africa and due to arrive Christmas Eve, I had to do all the Christmas shopping for his family and friends, plus my family and friends. I had to get the food for Christmas dinner since we're having a gathering at our house and had to make the pies and cookies and egg nogg. Not to mention cleaning the place, wrapping the presents, and whatever else I've had to do that I can't think of right now, it's been a busy time.

Which brings us to Christmas Eve and me entertaining our guests and Gareth still not arrived. With a house full of people, all I could think of was Gareth and would he make it. He told me he may miss one of his connecting flights and be stuck in an airport for Christmas. He said he'd call me if he got stuck someplace and couldn't make it home. So my heart sank when I got a call from him and the room went silent. I heard his voice say, "How much do you love me?" to which I replied, "Depends on what you're next sentence is."

His reply, very seriously was, "Remember when I told you there's a chance I may miss a connecting flight and not make it home for Christmas?" I took a deep breath, fought back a tear, the whole room looking at me now and said, "Yes, where are you stuck?" Everyone in the room groaned.

He replied, "You never did tell me how much you love me?" Irritated now, I answered a bit rough, "You know how much I love you." At this point he said, "Then give us a kiss." and the front door opened and in walked Gareth, to everyone's surprise, with a huge grin on his face. I turned to Hamish and said "I hate him." "Pure evil" Hamish replied.

I watched as he said his greetings to family and friends. He looked so good, very tan and looks like he lost some weight. As he made his way across the room to me, my heart was racing and all I could think of was how much I loved him. When we kissed, everyone cheered and clapped and we both turned beat red. I said lets take your bags to the bedroom which was just an excuse to get him alone in the bedroom. Once inside, I shut the door behind us and we both threw his bags on the floor next to the bed and quickly turned to kiss each other. We couldn't keep our hands off each other. I asked him if it would be rude if we kicked everyone out? He replied, rude yes, but I don't care, lets do it and we fell on the bed.

After a few knocks on the door and muffled voices snickering and asking us what we we're doing in the there, we decided to compose ourselves and join our guests. We spent the evening eating and drinking egg nogg and cider.

A little later in the evening, I received a call from my friends back in the states and went out in the backyard to hear since it was too loud inside. It was nice to hear their voices and listen to their stories and get to share a bit of the night with them celebrating Christmas Eve. Gareth came out to check on me just as I was getting off the phone and we took advantage of the moment alone to get some more kissing in. "I can't wait to get you alone." Gareth said as I snuggled into his chest. I told him if he got rid of the guests I would do things to him he would be talking about in twenty years. He turned and started yelling "everyone out" and I grabbed him before he could open the sliding door yelling "no don't" and as I held him outside he was yelling "Hey you put that cookie down and get out!" As his brother poured a drink and shared a chat with someone inside he yelled "Don't pour another drink, go home you drunk bastard" With much laughter, I kept telling him to stop and be quiet or they'll hear him. Finally he settled down and turned back to me, still laughing and we just looked at each other. He was finally home.

It's now a little past midnight and Christmas Day and the crowd is gone. Gareth cleaned up since I did all the other work and allowed me to come on here and wish everyone a Merry Christmas. He just stuck a few gifts under the tree and told me not to peak. But I don't have to wait until morning to open any gifts, having him home is the best gift I'll get this Christmas. Of course, since he is my gift, I think it's time I get off this computer, take my gift to the bedroom and unwrap it. Oh, ok....he just pulled the mattress out to the Christmas tree. I guess we're spending the night under the tree.

From our home to yours, Gareth and I wish everyone a Merry Christmas. May love and happiness fill not only your homes this year, but also your hearts.


  1. I'm sitting here in Edmonton, with the man I love as we enjoy Christmas Eve together. It's been a pleasure to read your blog and this post. Merry Christmas to the both of you and enjoy each other tonight. Ravish him like you've been dreaming of doing while he's been away.

  2. What a beautiful blog. Merry Christmas my friend.

  3. This brought a tear to my eye and my mind is now racing picturing what you two are doing to each other. sigh....

  4. Merry Christmas from NYC!

  5. Stephen I have just read your blog at 2.30am here in Dublin and it brought tears to my eyes I wish you and Gareth much love and happiness for Christmas. You have a wonderful talent of writing so well about things us Irish have yet to open up our hearts to...

  6. You just proved romance is not dead.....Merry Christmas ;)

  7. John (in Seattle)Friday, 25 December, 2009

    I'm so happy for you both that you're together for Christmas. Thanks for sharing your joyous evening with us.

    Merry Christmas!

  8. Merry Christmas Stephen and Gareth, and to your family and friends too!!! At this time of year, as always, the best gift is being with those we love...and you guys have that in abundance! May the fun and happiness of this season spill over into the new year and continue for a lifetime!

  9. This is now my favorite Christmas story! Thanks for the smiles and much joy to you and Gareth for the holidays (and beyond:).

  10. This should be made into a movie!

    Merry Christmas!

  11. I love you both. Its nice to hear you're together again. Enjoy the holidays and each other.

  12. Merry Christmas to all.

  13. It's Christmas morning, we just opened our presents. My husband recently came back from Iraq and I know how ya feel having the one you love back in the house. It's truly the best gift.

  14. One of the best blog posts I've read. Just wanted to wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!
    I hope you have a great year.

  15. Merry Christmas everyone, hope you're day is going good.

  16. Wow Stephen....such a wonderful holiday for you both, you inspire your readers with your honesty and insight, thank you and merry Christmas to you and your Gareth, you're doing somethin' right! Happy New Year!

  17. Gareth was so mean, lol!
    I think I'd faint, or collapse any other way, if my man did something like that =)
    Enjoy it as much as possible!

  18. I'm still smiling as I read this again. All the best to you both.

  19. Ok..I don't want to beat your ass as much after reading that! :) Happy belated Christmas to the both of you. How long will he be here for?

  20. Ing, Gareth and I are actually going to South Africa together in January. It's off season for me right now and we decided now is the best time for me to go. But I'll be coming back on my own and he'll be staying until March.

  21. Oh wow how exciting for you both! Some how I can see you running around in a loin cloth with the shield and spear Gareth got you! I can just imagine what trouble you'll be getting into. Try not to scare the natives and wildlife please! How long are you going to stay?

  22. I am going for one week, but can extend for two if I don't get trampled by a Rhino or eaten by a Crocodile. I do want to see some wild elephants, so that's probably how I'm going to die. lol
