Friday, December 25, 2009

Looking For Love

My friend Ing has been asking me to fix her up with an Irish man that's looking for love. She wants one that owns a castle and would sweep her off her feet and carry her up the stairs to a princess bedroom where they would act out her favorite fantasies from the romance novels she reads.
After much searching, I finally found one. Ok, he doesn't own a castle, but he lives near one. He's not strong enough to carry you up the stairs, but he is light enough for you to carry him. As for the bedroom romance, well look at 'em. You're kind of on your own in that area. lol
Love ya, Ing. Merry Christmas. Please no re-gifting.


  1. I think Ing should say yes =X

  2. Poor Ing. Leave her alone. hehe

  3. HAHAHAHA...OMG! I love him! Yes, OMG yes! I'll take him skinny pasty white chicken legs, pink sash, and love antenna all of him!

    One clarification let stud muffin know I only want him for sex...never said I was looking for love just sex! :)

    PS..hope your ass hurts cause I know you were laughing real hard while writing this! So I hope you laughed your ass right off your chair or whatever it was your were sitting on and landed on the floor hard! What??

    Love ya right back! :P

  4. I was laughing my ass off, but you know what, Hamish was laughing so much as he read this he had tears in his eyes!

  5. I'm glad Hamish got a kick out of this! Bastards the both of you! :)

    Just be thankful we have a whole big ocean separating us or who knows what evil revenge I'd have in store for you. But if I were you I'd be leery of opening any future e-mails from me cause you never know when I'll send you some "visuals"..hehehe!

  6. yeah, those emails left my eyesight damaged. lol
