Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Juan Martin Del Potro - US Open Champion

Anyone who has read my blog knows by now that my last boyfriend is from Argentina. Because of this I have a love for that country and its people and therefore it makes me very happy to see Del Potro finally break through and win a major tournament. This win was huge and celebrated all around Argentina.
I have been following him for the last year now (he's tall, dark haired, good looking, hairy chested, with a cute smile, of course I noticed him) and he always seemed to come up just short of winning. I was beginning to wonder if he would ever get over that last hurdle and not only get to a final but win one and needless to say I don't have to wonder about that anymore.
Wishing him lots of success in the future. Hopefully he'll get to play Novak Djokovic in a match. With the way they both like to get their shirts off, it could be fun to watch!


  1. I can't get pass that shirt dripping with sweat. Ewww..but he does have a nice happy trail.

  2. I noticed that dripping too. I'm hoping he poured water on himself first. If thats all sweat, he has a problem. lol
