Monday, September 14, 2009

Irish Rugby Physical Therapy


  1. Never thought I'd say this but I for once wish I was an Asian guy! LOL! And shut up Steve don't say what I know you want to say! :)

  2. Who is the handsome guy in the first picture?

  3. Hello

    Thank you for your fine blog. It's very interesting for me : texts and pics are various and quality.

    Have a nice week
    Read you later

    Laurent ( from France )

  4. I would like to be the one smiling feeling that hot hairy chest...

  5. Ing, do I really need to be quiet? There is so much I could say to that comment. lol

  6. Alright...since you're sad I'll let you have your fun! Have at it stud boy! :)

  7. Not feeling like being a smart ass right now, so I'll just give you a hug knowing you're sad because you don't have a penis.

    Wow, I guess I did kind of feel like being a smart ass after all. lol

    Love you!!!
