Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Check Their Homework


  1. the fact that he says "they can put their legs stright up" still leads me think he's talking about workin' girls

  2. OK, that's funny. Thanks for the laugh!

  3. Thanks for the laugh and the reminder. I have a son in 2nd grade. Curls my hair to think what I might miss. Have 2 sons actually ages 4 and 8 and after reading some of your blog, I would be blessed if they turned out to be half the amazing human being you are. I have known that my 4 year old was gay since before he was born. You are such a beautiful example of keeping an open heart in the face of what has probably been life long judgement by some. Sappy, I know, but thank you for touching my life as you have. I hope you'll keep writing. I will keep reading. (I'll try to keep the sap to a minimum in the future) Oh, btw, 4 year old walks around singing Westlife songs now. Adorable.

  4. Wendy, thanks for the nice comment! But just because your 4 year old is singing Westlife songs, doesn't mean he's gay. Now if he's taking down Winnie The Poohs picture and putting up Shanes picture, you may be on to something. lol

    But if you are correct, just keep being there for him and love him. Remind him that it doesn't matter if you're gay or straight, not everyone is going to like you. All you can do is be true to yourself.

  5. lol Sounds like somebody had comedian for dinner! Other than trading Pooh for Shane, I don't know if there would be any outward signs of a 4 year old being gay (maybe you could say). Just a mothers knowing at this point. Come to think of it, he does comment on my clothing and hair. Hmmm. Thank you for the very much appreciated advice (and the chuckle).

  6. AI, love the advice. You have such a good head on your shoulders.

  7. You have a great outlook on life and always have something uplifting to say to someone. You always knew how to cheer me up, even when we broke up. I miss that.

  8. You have a great outlook on life and always have something uplifting to say to someone. You always knew how to cheer me up, even when we broke up. I miss that.

  9. Dang it how did you get a hold of my daughters homework? LOL!
