Tuesday, March 24, 2009



  1. My husband saw this picture over my shoulder and said "Shit look at the chest on that guy!" My eyes hadn't made it up past the belly button region yet. I mumbled something about not as nice as his. You're killing me with the beautiful men!

  2. Not as nice as your husbands, I think you need to send me HIS picture. lol

  3. Well, um, actually...that was a bit of a distractor to save my ass, so to speak. I had just finished extolling the virtues of your blog, which did not include pictures of hot men. Hmph. I shared the Hores entry with him and, not thinking, I scrolled a bit and he saw this picture. He has been working on his chest lately at the gym so this particularly caught his attention. No mistake, he does have a great chest. Better than this in that it's hairy. (I share a love of a fantastic hairy chest with you, I understand.) However, this picture is pretty tough to beat. He seems to have upped the chest workout since seeing this. Score! Thx again!
