Sunday, November 23, 2008

Dublin On Ice

We just got back from skating at the rink here in Dublin called Dublin On Ice at Smithfield. We wern't really in the mood to go this morning, since we were both in a lazy mood. However, since we booked it weeks ago we decided to leave the warmth of home and go out into the cold Dublin air.

Once we were there it was great fun and the trip getting there was nice as we swung by the Dublin Christmas tree. I love Dublin at Christmas time, its my favorite time to see the city. We had a great time skating, talking and laughing, and we even met up with some friends.

After skating and being in the cold, I wasn't tired. Although, now that I'm sitting down resting at home again and drinking a cup of hot chocolate I'm getting sleepy. Gareth is already sound asleep on the couch. He came in the house, fell on the couch and grabbed a blanket. His feet were hanging over the edge of the couch, so I took his shoes off, made us some hot chocolate and after he took a few sips he fell right to sleep.

The Ice rink covers an area of 1,000 square metres. If you know how to skate it will take you 13 minutes to skate the rink. If you're a newbie, it will take you a lot longer. I love skating like this ina large rink much better than skating in small rinks going in circles.

Another fun fact of Dublin On Ice is that nearly half a million pints of water were used in making the ice for the rink, and the ice is usually 1.2 inches thick! You can also learn how to play ice hockey here and yes my Canadian friends they do play hockey here. lol

If anyone local is interested in going, you have to book your time and the cost for an hour at the rink is 16 Euro for adults 13 and over. Children under 12 is 10 Euro.


  1. Sounds like a great time. I'd be there the whole day before I made it once

  2. Sounds like fun.

  3. aww you two had a date night! cute.

  4. I can't wait for the creek to freeze so we can go skating. That looks like fun though. It seems huge.

  5. Am I the only person who lives in Smithfield that cannot bear the noise coming from the Ice Rink, the music is so loud in the apartment that I could open the windows and have a party. I can't even watch TV in peace any more.

    Does any one know if I have any rights to get them to turn in down?
