Sunday, November 23, 2008

Clinton Accepts Post

Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton has accepted the post of Secretary of State, offered to her by President-elect Barack Obama.

According to a report by The New York Times, a formal announcement in this regard is planned for after Thanksgiving, which falls on November 27th.

The Wife of former US president Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton is said to have made her decision to accept quite recently, after persistent courting by Obama and his transition team.

Earlier in the week, Clinton told the Obama transition team that she did not want to give up her independence in the Senate.

Citing two Clinton confidants, the New York Times reported that the former First Lady reached the decision to accept after further discussions about her potential role with Obama.


  1. It's always good to keep rivals close by :). Obama has chosen a great team. I think she made the right choice in accepting this position, she is perfect for it.

  2. Obama's strategy: "Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer"

  3. Yep keep your "frenimies" close. But I actually think this is a perfect choice for both.

  4. Would have liked to see her as VP instead but it is a good move none the less ... Andrew (Canada)
