Saturday, October 4, 2008

Just Another Saturday Night

We're grilling and drinking some beers tonight. The food smells so good, I can't wait to eat. It's just another Saturday night in Dublin. Wishing everyone else a great Saturday night and remember if you do go out partying, be careful. There are people that love you, I among them, so come home safe.

Top Blogs


  1. Awesome, we're cooking out here too. Burgers and chicken. mmmm. Drinking some beers too. Cheers to you all from baltimore, MD!

  2. cooking out here too. we;re making pizza on the grill. try it sometime. Love Irish guys.

  3. I'm so in love with you. You're everything I want in a man. Sucks your already taken.

  4. Anon, thanks thats sweet. I'm a firm believer there is someone out there for everyone. At this moment the one you will fall in love with is out there wondering where you are. May your paths meet soon.

  5. We love you too!

  6. As usual, drink one for us and we'll drink one for you. Miss you buddy.

  7. Man I must be getting drunk, your sorry ass brought a few tears to me eyes. I miss you too, my friend. I miss you all back home. Damn this smoke is getting in me eyes.

  8. He grabbed a beer and went outside, but I'll tell him. I'm gonna talk him into coming to see you soon. He needs to see his best friend.

  9. You're so sweet and cute I just want to squeeze ya.

  10. You're blog always leaves me in a good mood after reading it. Thanks for letting us share a part of your world. You have a big heart and when you wish everyone a good weekend I feel as though you're talking to me and I don't feel so alone.

  11. that's nice anon. Enjoy your week.
