Saturday, October 4, 2008

Irish Fall Field


  1. Wow...

    *sheepish* Ok, what are those rows of?

  2. Absolutely beautiful! I'm with Molepunch what flowers are those?

  3. I should be cheesed off at this question. Just cuz I'm gay I should know this? Next you two are gonna want me to decorate your houses. lol I'm just messing. I think it's a Daffodil, but not sure. Do I lose my gay card if I got this wrong?

  4. Your gay, what??

    No seriously can you come help me pick out some curtains or something and here is another gay test question for you..what color is puce considered...hehehe! You don't get this right you'll get your gay card taken. Smarty!

  5. Here's my gay card! I don't even know what the feck puce is!

  6. LOL just curious is all.

    Nah, I don't even decorate--can't be arsed to. But hanging paintings count as decorating, so...

    No idea what puce is either, Ing. I will cheat and google it though.

  7. Hand over the gay card the both of you! :)
