Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Torchwood Ianto/Jack - Season 2

Kissing - My favorite contact sport

Finally a television program that shows a man asking another man out on a date. I love Ianto's response too, he longs to be with him, but is playing it coy and makes him work for it. I hope they continue to show the romance between them blossom and I can finally see someone like myself on television. How amazing it is to have a character I can relate to instead of some caricature portrayed on most shows.

But then again, sometimes us shy guys have to take matters into our own hands, so to speak...

I can't sleep tonight, I slept almost all day yesterday trying to recharge my body. But it threw me off for tonight, I can't sleep now. I decided to watch the three newest episodes of Torchwood. Still not tired so I think I will make some tea and toast and watch the sun come up on the new day.


  1. I like this show

  2. You're such a romantic, I love it.

  3. I love what Captain Jack says in the second video, it fits your life. This is a good show. It has something for everyone.

  4. You should make me some breakfast. I;m hungry but too lazy to make something.

  5. For me its now lunch time. I need to go raid the fridge. I just cleaned the kitchen and the bathroom, I think I am done working for the day.

  6. I know you're out to sea this week, but wanted to leave a note for your return. We just watched episode three tonight here in the usa. The girls were crying. This was the best episode of the series. This show is huge in the states, everyone is watching it.

  7. Fantastic show.

  8. Irish men are freaken hot.

  9. Jack is Scottish and Ianto is Welsh. Not Irish, just cousins. Hot sexy cousins.

  10. Love the pics of Gareth. I haven't seen those before anywhere else, which is saying something given how big a Torchwood / Gareth ? John fan I am!
