Saturday, February 2, 2008

More Soreness

This afternoon I called my teacher to see when the workout schedule is for next week. I forgot to take it last night when I left. This was a bad idea. He asked me what I was doing today, I being the idiot that I am replied I was doing nothing. He said, "No sit on couch, come work out." Before I knew what I was doing, I was at the gym getting pummeled again. We worked on the bag until I thought my arms would fall off. When he satisfied with the work I did on the bag, he made me do ab workouts until the place was closing. It was a good three hour workout.

I got home and my man was already in bed sleeping after working a double shift. I didn't want to wake him so I decided to get on the computer for a bit. My arms are still like rubber. I drank a large glass of Orange Juice. It tasted so good. I have a craving for a slice of pizza right now. But not gonna happen. I'm gonna go ly down on the couch and fall asleep to the telly. I don't even have the strength to take my jeans off.

The last thing he said to me after he dropped me off at home, "Good workout. Even better tomorrow. See you at three." There is saying that words can't kill, but hearing those words cut like a knife.

Note to self...."Get the schedule before you leave. Never call the teacher!"


  1. You're a sucker for punishment.

  2. You're pretty butch for a big ol queen.

  3. Mike was wearing the cologne you left behind from your visit and it reminded me of you. You always smell good. Missing you.

  4. Ya know, you do always smell good. If only you were straight, I might let ya!
