Saturday, November 17, 2007

Wherever You Will Go

I have a friend in Vancouver, Canada who has been offering me a job for a few months now. It would be a dream job and an amazing experience if I decided to take this job. I kept putting him off because I wanted to talk to my guy when he came back from Africa and see what he thought of it and see if he would be interested in moving there with me.

We had that talk this week and to make a long story short, he is not really keen on moving to Canada. My friend from Canada called me several times this week saying he needs an answer soon. That is why I have not posted much lately, I have too much on my mind trying to think over things. Why does life have to be so complicated.

I wish I could see into the future and be able to tell that if I make this decision this is how my life will turn out and if I make the other decision this is how my life will turn out and then I could chose which one is best. But alas, that's not possible and no matter which one you chose you will always wonder what would life have been like if I had chosen the other path?


  1. Thinking of you both.

  2. He is your Jack and you are his Ianto. If two people were ever meant to be together it is you two. I know you will figure something out to allow you both to follow your dreams and still be together. I just know it. Love you my friend.
