Sunday, November 18, 2007

A Moment To Remember

My mans sister got married yesterday. Maybe this will inspire him to pop the question to me and make me a bride instead of a bridesmaid. lol I caught the guarder belt, does that have the same meaning as catching the flowers? Whats that I hear, wedding bells? OK maybe not, but a guy can dream.

It was the first time meeting his most of his family and they were very nice and very accepting of us as a couple. My man gave a lovely toast to his sister, he made her and their mom cry.
There was one little old lady I noticed watching the bride and groom dance their first dance together. She was about 80 years old I was told. I happened to notice she had a few tears running down her face and I walked over to and handed her a tissue. She leaned into me as she took the handkerchief and said, "I was jest remembering the dance I had with my husband when we were married. It was 62 years ago, right after the war ended. He came home from the service and he asked me to marry him. I said yes right away because I realized while he was off at war that I didn't want to spend another day without him if he was lucky enough to return to me. And he was and we did and we were together almost every day of our lives from that point on until he died last year. Watching them dance brought back memories I thought were long forgotten. My mind drifted off a little, but that's OK, it was nice to go back in time for a moment and remember."
By the time she was done, I along with other who listened to her had tears running down our cheeks. I may never see that little old lady again, but I will never forget her.


  1. Gave you something to think about didn;t it?

  2. Here's the answer to you Vancouver dilemma, cheeks.

  3. I think you already know what you should and will do. I think you're just scared to let yourself actually go and put all your trust into someone being there for you. Your insticts tell you to go before he does it to you, but maybe this guy is the one who will stay in your life. A job is a job, but love, well thats life. Thats what its all about isn't it?

  4. Travis and Buda - Yes to both of you.

    Cousin - Don't take this the wrong way, not trying to be an ass, but what you wrote is nice, but coming from the "I can't settle down until my career is over" guy, maybe you should take your own advice.
