Saturday, October 27, 2007


OK, I love hairy men but he is taking it to the extreme. Imagine waxing that....ooh, ouch!

Maybe if I had hair like that I wouldn't need to worry about taking a coat with me when I go out into the Irish cold weather. But hell, I get so hot now and I have no body hair except my head, underarms, and crotch. Although I do have kind of hairy legs.

If I was hairy like that I would have to go naked or my body temp would be running extremely high. I get so hot, that the minute I get home I strip down.

I often wonder if I am going to be one of those people who spontaneously burst into flames. Laugh all you want, but its true. So if you are ever talking to me and I suddenly disappear and all you see is a pile of smoking ash, guess you'll know the answer to that thought.