Saturday, October 27, 2007

A Friendly Visit

The week is over, the double shifts are over. I am off work next week. Happy dance. I was going to go to bed early last night, but my friend Hamish came to visit me. He brought me a pumpkin cheesecake his mom made. We had a slice and it was really, really good.

We went out for a drink and I of course didn't take a jacket with me, just had a sweatshirt and t-shirt underneath and now I feel like I am getting a cold. I really need to get into wearing a coat. I get hot really easy so I hate wearing them. But its so cold here in Ireland that without wearing one the chances of getting sick are very high. In all fairness to my stupidity we were only running right down the street for a drink, but then we changed plans and went to visit my roomie at work and get some food to bring home and eat. So that added to the distance of walking around in the cold weather.


  1. I London, I see Paris, I see underwear! Dude, I could seriously eat some pumpkin cheesecake right now.

  2. Hello Hamish! You keeping him straight. Ok, bad choice of words. lol

  3. Does your place smell like Cinnamon? I remember in the fall your place always smells like Cinnamon. Everytime I smell Cinnamon candles now it reminds me of you.

  4. ^That's funny! Yes my place smells like Cinnamon. I found some candles here in Dublin that have a really nice Cinnamon smell. Everyone always asks what we're baking when they come over. Tonight I am at his flat and we have a fire going. I love the smell of wood burning in a fireplace. Not to mention its really cozy. Both my cats are resting in front of the fire on the rug soaking up the heat.

  5. Mike...The rhyme is I see London, I see France, I see Stevens underpants. Learn the commandments of the playground before using them please. lol
