Tuesday, October 16, 2007

My Strange But Wonderful Friends

A lot of people have emailed me stating that it seems my friends and I have a great, fun relationship and it reminds them of their own circle of friends. Last night my new flat mate and I we're checking out music videos online and I happened to mention couple of my friends are in Irish bands back in the states. When showing him the videos they had made, I came across these videos.

So for all those wondering what me friends are like, here you go. The guy in the pink shirt(who is one of my best friends) and the guy in the yellow shirt are my two friends. Here they are back in Spring when I went home for the Celtic Festival. After all the bands play, they all come on stage to take a bow. This is called the Ceili. My two friends joined with a few others to pretend jump rope. After watching this, you will have a better understanding of my weird friends and what its like when we are all together.


  1. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!! I forgot all about this.

  2. Alrighty then! I can't believe you put that on your blog. They're idiots.

  3. Dude, seriously! How much did everyone drink that day? lol

  4. I can't wait til next year. Its gonna be off da hook.

  5. Shows you how messed up the world is. They make a lot more money than me to be fools on a stage than I do teaching children for the future. But I still love 'em.

  6. Will you be home next year for this?

  7. I'm going to see them in Philly. I'll send pictures if the place isn't too dark like the last time.
