Friday, October 19, 2007

I Miss Summertime

We took the boat out tonight. It was cold, no it was freezing. I had to wear a t-shirt, sweatshirt, a hoody, and a nylon jacket. I was afraid if I fell over I wouldn't be able to get back up. I will need to buy one of those life alert buttons and carry it with me! Help, I've fallen and can't get up!

I miss the warm days out on the water when you would see many guys in a state of undress. Now everyone is covered up, sniffling, red-nosed, with chattering teeth. Not very sexy. Winter is rough for a gay man on the seas.

My new roomie went out with us on the boat for the first time tonight. He had never had this experience before. He was loving it at first until the cold set in. The rest of the night all he would speak is I need hot shower and hot chocolate. Which is what we did when we got home. To clairfy that comment, we had showers separately, but we shared the hot chocolate. Just clearing that up. But he did poke me marshmallow with his finger. The naughty little boy.

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