Monday, August 20, 2007

Soul Mate

A cute little video.

To those who inquired, no I did not end up in a jail cell last night with a big burly man. My friend and I actually behaved ourselves. We took a drive, ate dinner at Supermacs, went grocery shopping and came back home and made some hot chocolate and cinnamon bagels and watched a couple movies. I know, I know two lads set loose on Ireland on a Saturday night and this is how we behave. It's downright scandalous. We we're probably in the morning papers.

I spent the day sleeping and now I am having trouble sleeping when I should be asleep. Another week of work coming up. Well, I am off to take a piss and get a drink of water and then its back to bed for me. Everyone enjoy your week!


  1. Not sure. Its kinda nice, but kinda wierd. The guy is hot though.

  2. You remind me of the more "butch" guy. Now I know what its like to go on a date with you. Oh, and the I want to touch your skin line, is so lame. I hope you don't use that line.

  3. That is so gay!
