Wednesday, August 22, 2007


A guy I work with passed away yesterday. He was only 40 years old. His family said he wasn't taking his medication for his Diabetes like he should.

Sad, that is way too early to die. I didn't know him very well, we spoke only on occasion. He worked a later shift and we would usually just say hi and bye. Several of my co-workers are going to the funeral, but I have decided not to attend. I will just send flowers and my condolences. Funerals are too traumatic for me to deal with, so I have decided from now on to only go to those of family and close friends.

The news of his death though, led me to do some reflecting on life. I often think I have many years still to live, but when someone like this dies so young, it makes you rethink and wonder how many years you yourself have left?

There are still a lot of things I want to do in this life before I go, but if I should go suddenly and soon I would be content with me life. I have had a great family life growing up, made lots of great friends whom I consider my extended family, known the love of me pets, and I have loved and been loved. I have traveled about, been to places I only dreamed about as a child.

I have also experienced heartaches, disappointments, and failures. I have learned you can't trust everyone you meet, that some people are just mean spirited and bitter about their own lives and try to bring you down when they see you are happy in life.

As a gay man, I also know there will be those who hate me for being who I am. But as the saying goes, those that mind, don't matter and those that matter, don't mind. I used to get into lots of fights growing up and I have learned that fighting does not solve the problem. But it shuts the MFer up when you beat the shit out of him!

The most important lesson I have learned in this life is to be thankful for the short time we have together with family, friends, pets. For the love of those close to our hearts in this life is the best gift we can give or receive.

In reflecting on life, I am happy with the one I am living. There are a few things I would have changed over the years, but all in all, its been a good life so far.


  1. How sad, forty is too young to go.

  2. I try not to think about death too much, but I know someday I have to plan for it.

  3. Love ya. If you need anything give me a call.

  4. Beautiful Song.
