Friday, August 17, 2007

Feeling Down Today

I woke up tired and sad today. Missing me guy, missing him lots today. Almost two weeks he has been gone.

I don't feel very much like talking or putting on a happy face for me friends today, so I think I am just going to stay in tonight, spend some quiet time, watch a good movie. Sorry for being all depressed, it won't last long. I just need a moment today to be sad.

To Budajsguy - Thinking of you and your first day of school. Wishing you a great year! To all friends going out tonight - have fun, be safe.

My guy loves Coldplay, so here is a song for him.


  1. Aww. Hiya, beautiful. I'm sending you a cyberhug. Take your moment to wallow in your loneliness, then snap out of it. (Don't make me go Cher on you. hehe)

    I'll email you about other stuff. Be good. Much love.

  2. Cheer up Bud. Call me if you wanna talk.

  3. oh baby, love you. I sent you some pictures today. Hope they cheer you up.

  4. The boys will soon be there to visit you, they will cheer you up. Just keep thinking about that. Love you sweetie.

  5. The boys will soon be there to visit you, they will cheer you up. Just keep thinking about that. Love you sweetie.

  6. I love Coldplay.
