Saturday, August 18, 2007

John Barrowman

John Barrowman - openly gay actor from Torchwood. Here is a video of him kissing his boyfriend on stage. I just read an interview with him and he is very fortwright and articulate. What a great gay role model.

John Barrowman -

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  1. Always liked him. Sweet little video of him kissing his guy.

  2. he is sexy hot and a really good kissser. hes got the best body eva.xxxxxxx

  3. I really hope the producers of torchwood keep his romance with Ianto going. That is the best part of the show. Thank you John and Gareth for bringing characters to my tv that I believe in.

  4. o.k he is gay and i'm a girl but he is fine as hell. I can only say why???????????????? he is short of nothing he is perfect, hot , sexxxxxxxy. I need to stop talking.

  5. I am totally smitten with him, he is so hot and sexy. I know he is gay but a girl can dream:)

  6. He is so sexy! He is a huge icon for gay men and so talented but such a hot body! im bi but for him id be anything! :D oooooh!!!!! so hot!!!

  7. Im a girl but i love him loads! he's SOOOOOO SEXY! ok, so he's gay but i dont care cos he is FIT!!!!!XXXXXX

  8. I was very into the whole Torchwood series until the first gay kiss...I lost a lot of passion for the show (since I am not Gay), since all of my previous sci-fi/action icons are not has become very troubling for me. I wish at least he could make out with a girl and at least become Bi-sexual, then he could have security in fanhood from both fan basis. Sorry, but Masculinity and Gayness have not been represented on film or TV for americans, and as much as I love Torchwood, becuase of the only kissing and sleeping with men aspect, the love is like loving my sister compared to loving my wife.

  9. i am a girl and i have had a crush on him since the first time i saw him i mean he is sssssssssssooooooo
    fit and hot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    But i thought he was bisexual???????????????????????????

  10. Alexander, I am sorry to hear you feel 'troubled' by the fact that these characters are in a gay relationship. I am a big sci-fi fan and I am not troubled when I see one of the male characters I like kissing a girl (Captain Kirk comes to mind).

    There are several Stargate characters that I love and relate to and they kiss girls, yet I have no problems enjoying the show and I can still relate to the characters because of who the character is. If you can only relate to a person in real life or a tv character because they kiss a girl and not because of the life they live, I feel is a very shallow response.

    Being a gay, masculine man in love with another gay masculine man and knowing there are people out there with your mindset is why I am excited to see a show like Torchwood on tv.

    We are not all like the men on Queer Eye for the Straight Guy or Will and Grace. We're not all inteior decorators or clowns for the straight world. Which seems to be the only way a gay man can be seen on American televsions. That is why Brokeback Mountain was such a huge hit because it showed two masculine, real men and it shocked many people and touched many others. Heath Ledger, may he rest in peace, and Jake Gyllenhall will always have a place in my heart for taking on those roles.

    The roles that David and John are playing are a representation of men like myself and my partner and it's important that I see myself represented on television. It also allows someone such as yourself to broaden his horizons and see a side of life that does exist, even though you may not be used to it.

    This is the end of my public service announcement. Carry on everyone.

  11. and for anyone wishing to see video and other pictures of John and David AKA Jack/Ianto check out the February and March postings on my blog.

  12. omg im a girl and i have loved him for like years he is soooo hot!!!

    i no he's gay and stuff but how can u resist?!

    i went to his opening concert of his tour last monday i had front row seats! it was awesome!!!


  13. I can't get over his bodyyyyyyyy and his face (HOTTTT) and his personality rocks. I am a girl but I have to admit if I was a guy I would find him and get marrrrry to him, he is gay but he is still the hotesttttttttt man i have ever seen in my life.

  14. He's so amazing! I love him in Torchwood and he has a voice to die for!

  15. John Barrowman is an amazing man. He is absolutely fantastic - he has the looks, he's got a great personality and the voice of an angel.

    He's an inspiration for me, and I admire him. He's a truly amazing guy.

    I really don't understand what people have against his sexuality. Does it really matter that he's kissing a guy and not a girl?

    I think its great that there's Torchwood, it opens people's eyes, and what better person to represent the gay community than the stunningly handsome John Barrowman?

  16. He (HIS CHARACTOR) AND CO-CAST HAVE been very up-front about his bi-sexually in fact his TRY sexuality [ he will try any species ] alien or otherwise.

  17. I TOTALLY AGREE WITH YOU GUYS! HE IS SOOO GORGEOUS ... I DONT CARE THATS HE IS GAY EITHER (me being a girl) i have loved him since the first time i set eyes on him, which was some time ago now! HE IS ALSO A GREAT SINGER, ANYONE HERD HIS CD'S???




  18. Being a 24-years-old man with bisexual tendencies, I have found John Barrowman and Gale Harold (and their respective characters on TV) to be very important role models for me.

    When I started watching the new Doctor Who, I found it to be an interesting show. But when Captain Jack appeared, and then Torchwood came out, I liked it a lot more.

    I can't see why anyone would have any problems with a show starred by an attractive time traveller from a prejudice-free future. ;D

  19. The Sci-Fi fans are usually a tolerant lot. Being nerds and worse(people who think for themselves),I thought that any gay or Bi(i.e. Capt. Jack)character would determine whether the series is good or not. It's the writing ,directing, acting, believability of the series, bigorty has no place here. In a Star Trek episode, a society encountered by Trek crew forbids the identification of gender of the person. One would think that an open mind is better than fixed hatred.

  20. I for one have been completely enamored by John Barrowman since I saw him on Dr. Who. As for those who dislike his work because of his gay kisses... the quality of a show is measured buy the camera work, the acting ability, the effective suspension of disbelief... not by who the character chooses to sleep with on or off the set. As someone else pointed out I would have thought that sci-fi fans would be more tolerant. I will continue to be a fan of the show as long as it continues to be good.

  21. Hi, omg me and my mate just made a caption saying you just put what up there lol :P

  22. I love him and am keeping my self happy (although others describe it as denial) in the theory his sexuality is a publicity stunt and that when he meets he'll realise.Unlikely I know, but there's always hope.

  23. I think he's a great actor and damn that voice is just wonderfull
    so to me it doesn't matter that he's gay
    He and Scott are very cute together and it's very cool they come out for it like that
    i'm bisexual myself so yeah i admire him for being so open about it it's not always easy

    John Barrowman/Jack Harkness forever

  24. I feel sorry for Alexander not feeling comfortable watching Torchwood due to the gay relationship between captain jack & ianto. What is wrong with it? Isn't it healthy to see a strong healthy relationship on tv. Does it matter that it is a gay one? People do not choose to be gay they just are. Trust me I know from my gay friends that if they could choose it would be easier to be straight as they they would not have to put up with such intollerance as you have shown.

    On another note however. Someone said about strong gay character roles? Well JB auditioned for the role of Will in Will & Grace. He made it to the final three & was not chosen as he wasn't apparently "gay" enough.

    I am not gay however having seen what my JB however is gorgeous & well us girls can dream. Dreams are healthy :-)

  25. I like John Barrowman way before he started to play in Doctor Who or Torchwood. I am a big fan of musicals, so first I so John in movie De-Lovely, where he played gay singer and from this moment I followed his career. I saw him in Doctor Who series with my son (he is a big fan), but Torchwood I saw just yesterday (all 13 series of 1 season. I also saw him in Lloyd Weber TV Shows and he was great with contestants. I am straight women, but I don't care that he is gay. I respect and love his talent and I don't care who he sleep with. By the way I prefer him to be gay, because John and his partner Scott are great couple and together for more than 16 years. It's rare for celebrity couples to stay together so long. I also don't think that that Captan Jack kisses with men in Torchwood would stop fans of Torchwood to watch this show.
