Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Teachers Pet

I have an online friend that attends the University of Kansas. He has been my online friend for almost a year now. I met him at a chat site he moderates and one that my cousin was a member. At first I didn't think I would talk to anyone much on the site except my cousin.

While on the site I stumbled across one guy that my cousin had sometimes talked with. I became intrigued and asked about him and I left him a couple PMs, not thinking he would really write back to me. But he did and we struck a nice friendship. He has a lot of the same interests as me and it was very easy to talk with him. We shared lots of laughs together. We have managed to keep in touch even though I can't access that site anymore since I use a computer from work and that site is not allowed.
My friend also has a blog and it is linked to my blog. It is called Budajsguy. So please click and check him out if you havn't already.
He has been able to get really good grades and I tell him all the time that he is Teachers Pet. That he must be wearing a tight shirt, buttoned down to reveal his chest. He flexes his muscles at the teacher when she walks by and drops his book on the floor next to her desk so he has to bend over and pick it up allowing her to sample his fine booty.
He has finals this week, so I just wanted to post this to my friend to say wish you luck, I know you will get good grades. Enjoy the summer that is coming. Here is a video just for you.

And.......since your last t-shirt I borrowed got all mucked up in the woods, though I don't remember quiet what happened, it was all a blurr, I have finally been able to replace it for you. This is on its way for you to wear this week to class.
And I even got Yashe one so you two can match!
And the item below is for when you are kept after class for extra credit!


  1. Oh my god, you are such a gomer! lol I don't even know what to say to this except thank you and I wish I had as much confidence in me as you do. You're the best, Butch. Much love to ya.

    Yashe and I will model that apparel for you when you come back to the States, k? ;)

  2. LOL, this is funny.

  3. Good luck to your friend. Hope he does good on his finals.
