Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Another Rainy Day

I just made plans to go to London and Paris this weekend. I am going to do some site seeing, visit my cousin, and do lots of shopping. He is going to get to meet the new man in my life and see if he meets his approval. Alrighty then Dad! I have not bought much since moving over here, so I need to buy some summer shirts and shorts.

I also received news that three of my girl-friends from the states may be coming to visit me and whore up Ireland. (They are going to punch me when they see me for that one!) Hopefully by Memorial Day weekend. Make sure you let me know as soon as you get it all finalized. It will be good to see you.

Another rainy day, such is life in Ireland. Off to work. Have a good day everyone.

Not much to say today, so I will leave you with this song. A dedication to someone special.


  1. oooh, I love this song.

  2. I have to download this one. I like this one.

  3. We're gonna be on our way to ya babe. Cannot wait to seez ya.

  4. Aww! So nice to see someone's protecting you! Goodness knows you need it! ;) Have a safe trip, ya globe-trotter!
