Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Love From Dublin, Happy New Year 2014

2014 will bring a year of many changes for me and those I love.  So as we celebrate this New Years Eve I look on the past year full of many memories and prepare for the changes to come in 2014.  As you get older, each year passes by faster and faster.  Take the time to enjoy where you're at in life.  We're always looking ahead, but sometimes you just need to take a moment and enjoy where you are in life at the moment.  To those I lost this past year, I say I miss you still.  To those I will meet in the coming year I say welcome to sharing the journey.  To our four babies, the cats, may we all be together at this time next year sharing hugs, kisses, and New Years snacks and Gareth, how long will I love you?  As long as stars are above you and longer if I can.  I love you, always will.  

With love, from Dublin, Happy New Year. 


  1. Happy New Year guys.

  2. Many good wishes for the new year.

  3. I'm a new blogger this year, originally from Ireland but recently relocated to the U.S. The move definatley was a culture shock but i have to agree with you that change is good. Would appreciate anyone to check out my blog and would love some feedback

    Thanks Ciara

  4. Hi boys,

    What a very nice text and what a beautiful declaation of love
    to your Gareth...
    Thanks Happy New Year


  5. Hello :) i would be very greatfull on some tips of your journey moving there :) i want to permanently move with my dog to ireland so any help would do :) i am from bosnia and herzegovina but have american citizenship, zou can contact me on thank you i. Advance and best wishes and love from sarajevo
